Wednesday, October 18, 2017

About Twitter...

Using Twitter for a class discussion has ups and downs. Although I think it is a great way to engage the students in participation, it is a little harder to track. Clicking on the #3810NET2 hashtag displays all our tweets but it is difficult to visually see a discussion like on Blackboard. I think it's new and something to get used to so I'm not against it, just not accustomed. Comparing it to an in-class discussion is a different situation though. Within these past few years, it seems as though nobody wants to participate anymore! Although, I am one of those students and always have been, it's just something I've observed. Twitter is definitely useful in this sense because it's easier to articulate something when you have the chance to sit and type then speak on the spot. Definitely looking forward to how Twitter can improve our communication.

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