Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Social Networking Sites

Nowadays, there is a multiplicity of social networking sites. A few of these are: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. Each of these platforms are different but same in the sense that it creates a community of users. Facebook has definitely changed over the years. I remember when every teen was solely on MySpace and Facebook seemed like a website for the older community. Now, Facebook has become a feed of viral videos and memes. People don't post much about themselves anymore. Twitter also contains a lot of reblogging videos and text posts but still remains a place to update what is going on in your life. With Twitter, you can choose to connect to the people you know in real life and so much more. Instagram is more or less the same but instead of text posts, the majority of posts are photos. Instagram is more a coordinated display of what your life is and has been. I think Tumblr is very different from these three social networking sites. I see Tumblr as a more private judgement free space where people can post personal thoughts to the public. The reason for this is that you can be anonymous on Tumblr. People don't really need to know who you are so there is a plethora of people you can connect with that may relate to you. Although all these sites have their differences, I think they all serve a big purpose in improving our community.

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